Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
- Sourdough Bread
- Cheddar
- Mozzarella (use any melty cheeses you have, doesn’t have to be these two)
- Butter
- Tomatoes
- 1 Red Bell Pepper
- A few Onions
- 1 Clove of Garlic
- Olive Oil
- Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary
- Heavy Cream
1.) Preheat oven to 450 F or 232 C.
2.) Cut up veg into equal sized pieces. Add to a baking sheet and cover will olive oil, salt, pepper, and oregano.
3.) Add to oven, roast for about 35-45 minutes. While this is happening, you can cut your slices of bread and cheese if necessary.
4.)Once veg is roasted, remove from oven and add to food processor along with a few leaves of thyme and rosemary. You can also use a blender or stick blender if you want a smoother texture.
5.) Add this mixture to a pot, bring to a boil and add heavy cream and basil.
6.) As the previous step is happening, butter each sides of your bread and add to a pan thats pre-heated to medium. Add each slice of cheese, and top with the lid. Toast until cheese is melty and bread is nice and golden brown. Don’t be afraid to check the bread often in order to make sure nothing is being burned.
7.) Once grilled cheese is completed, cut down the middle and add to a plate. Laddle tomato soup into a bowl, place on the plate. Garnish with heavy cream or olive oil, and a few whole leaves of basil. Enjoy!
This has to be one of the most low effort, high reward comforting meals of all time. It really doesn’t take much, and you probably have most of the ingredients on hand already. There’s just something super nostalgic about a grilled cheese, and putting it with a creamy tomato soup is guaranteed to make you feel great on a chilly day. This is a recipe that everyone should know how to make in my opinion. It can be any variation of cheeses and soups, but some form of this should be in your arsenal.